station number identification.

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Helpful Member!steve64 (TechnicalUser)
22 Sep 08 10:21
I'm thinking that there is or was a box that could be connected to a digital station port on the M1 that would allow a tech to call the number assigned to the box and it would tell him what number he was calling from. Does anyone have any information on this type of device?

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GHTROUT (IS/IT--Management)
22 Sep 08 13:29
There was - it was made by Digital Techniques and called the "Test Phone".  It was about the size of a modem.  to my knowledge, nobody makes a replacement - I'd like to be proven wrong though. | FAQs | Recent Replies


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Helpful Member!Nortel911PLM (Vendor)
22 Sep 08 13:49
From what I understand, there were some chips used by that device taht are no longer manufactured. Therefore it became expensive to build one.

If you have an IVR
application. This is a simple script to write:

IF ANI = xxxx THEN

This way they hit the IVR, and if the number they used to call it (ANI) matches, then it branches and plays the CLID.

You could then enhance that to Press 1 for a dialback to test
fax/analog, etc.


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trvlr1 (TechnicalUser)
22 Sep 08 14:15
Or, for the low-tech tech ....the person calls a cell phone, operator or regular phone with a display and they tell that person the number they are calling from. :-}

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Helpful Member!Nortel911PLM (Vendor)
22 Sep 08 14:29
Another mechanism to look at CLID (not good for identifying an unknown dialtone) that is a small diversion from the topic is CLIDVER in LD 20:



LD 20

   DN    KEY       TN       ERL   CTYP          CLID        ROUTE     CALLED#
------- ------ ----------- ----- ------- ------------------ ----- ----------------
   6001 00 SCR 096 0 11 00     0     911 D          9991234 I 911              911
                                     311 D          9991234 I 311              311
                                     112 D          9991234 I 911              112
                                    NATL         9735556001
                                    INTL         9735556001
                                     UDP               6001
                                     CDP               6001

   6002 00 SCR 096 0 11 01     0     911 D          9991234 I 911              911
                                     311 D          9991234 I 311              311
                                     112 D          9991234 I 911              112
                                    NATL         9735556002
                                    INTL         9735556002
                                     UDP               6002
                                     CDP               6002

   6003 00 SCR 096 0 11 02     0     911 D          9991234 I 911              911
                                     311 D          9991234 I 311              311
                                     112 D          9991234 I 911              112
                                    NATL         9735556003
                                    INTL         9735556003
                                     UDP               6003
                                     CDP               6003

   6004 00 SCR 096 0 11 03     0     911 D          9991234 I 911              911
                                     311 D          9991234 I 311              311
                                     112 D          9991234 I 911              112
                                    NATL         9735556004
                                    INTL         9735556004
                                     UDP               6004
                                     CDP               6004


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Helpful Member!Bunkerman (TechnicalUser)
17 Oct 08 13:53
    We have a Fluke Smart-Pro, Model D9912 with two analog Meridian switch numbers hooked up to it.  You can call it and it tells you with voice what number you are calling from.  You can connect it to the Meridian Switch also for call trace.   

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Helpful Member!Nortel911PLM (Vendor)
17 Oct 08 15:38
You must have a CLASS modem card to deliver CLID to the analog sets then.


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GHTROUT (IS/IT--Management)
17 Oct 08 22:36
And it knows what extension I'm at?  smile

The feature originally posted/requested was one that reads off the DN you are at in your PBX.... in other words, it's the answer to the eternal question "this is the phone man...can you tell me what extension I'm at"


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Helpful Member!steve64 (TechnicalUser)
18 Oct 08 1:54
The flukenetworks D-9912 sounds like a solution to my problem, but I have not been able to find and specific information on their web site about the product. Also what is the "CLASS" modem card? I am not familiar with it. To install it are there keycodes and/or ISM required? At the present time the switch I am taking care of has no licenses for the Meridian Digital sets. We only have analog and ULIC ISDN. My problem is that the OSP guys call me for line ID but I am not always available. I have 3 different buildings I work in and only 1 ISDN phone and it seems like I am never where it is. What is the NT number of the CLASS card and any idea of ball park number $$ for the Fluke box?  Thanks for the information.

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GHTROUT (IS/IT--Management)
18 Oct 08 4:27

Since it appears to require an "analog" line, that means you need one with PBX Name/Number Display.  This is the card needed to get it on Analog sets:

I'd call Fluke an make sure they have seen
applications where their product reads off the "internal PBX extension"

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Helpful Member!steve64 (TechnicalUser)
18 Oct 08 5:50
Thanks,  I looked up the CLASS card and it looks like it should do the trick if the Fluke unit can decode the ANI info on the internal calls. I think I'm going to go ahead and have them order 2 of the cards, 1 spare, and implement the number display on the analog sets we have. They are all already caller ID sets, all 600+ of them. Thanks for checking with Fluke for me. I'm not in the US so contacting companies can be a problem sometimes. The switch here is totally US though and has only US trunks connected to it, well except for a few local analog but there is no interest in any type of caller id on them. I run LS to GS converters on them so the local telco doesn't lock them up. The telco only has loop start with no supervision of any type.

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GHTROUT (IS/IT--Management)
18 Oct 08 6:31
Wait a minute...I didn't check with Fluke.  smile

I wrote:  I'd call Fluke an make sure they have seen applications where their product reads off the "internal PBX extension"

In the US, that means "If I were going to buy one, I would check with Fluke"  It also means, "if you are going to buy one, you should check with Fluke"

Fluke's North American main number is 425-446-4519


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Helpful Member!steve64 (TechnicalUser)
18 Oct 08 6:52
Ok, I misunderstood about Fluke, but even if their box doesn't work I can still implement the CND feature on the switch with the addition of the CLASS modem card. That in itself would get lots of users off my back. Many are unhappy about the lack of digital sets. That issue is political and beyond my control. Since there are no licenses or key codes involved and I have lots of available system TNs I can just have the card purchased and then go ahead and implement the feature.  I'll call Fluke Monday morning, my Monday night. Yes I am where you probabbly guessed I'm at or at least near there.  

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Helpful Member!steve64 (TechnicalUser)
18 Oct 08 8:21
Ok, I misunderstood about Fluke, but even if their box doesn't work I can still implement the CND feature on the switch with the addition of the CLASS modem card. That in itself would get lots of users off my back. Many are unhappy about the lack of digital sets. That issue is political and beyond my control. Since there are no licenses or key codes involved and I have lots of available system TNs I can just have the card purchased and then go ahead and implement the feature.  I'll call Fluke Monday morning, my Monday night. Yes I am where you probabbly guessed I'm at or at least near there.  

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Helpful Member!steve64 (TechnicalUser)
19 Oct 08 4:09
One last question. Am I correct in understanding that the information sent to the analog sets once the XCMC card is installed and the sets configured is compatible with the standard analog set with Caller ID capability? I have not been able to find any specific specifications on the phone equipment.

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GHTROUT (IS/IT--Management)
19 Oct 08 5:10
I did a search of this forum for NT5D60AA, and found this: thread798-1232433: Caller ID I'm at a loss

It looks like the answer is yes, but you also need a software package addition.

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Helpful Member!Nortel911PLM (Vendor)
19 Oct 08 7:27
FYI Gene, those software packges are in the Tier 1       Enhanced Service Package.

They should be in the switch already.


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Helpful Member!steve64 (TechnicalUser)
19 Oct 08 7:51
All of the required packages listed in feature implementation for CLASS CND and CLASS VMWI are all installed in the switch already. Looks like the only thing missing is the XCMC card.  

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Helpful Member!StanleySteamer (TechnicalUser)
19 Oct 08 10:32
Even if you have the required packages and the CMOD card you will also require CLASS TN's in your ISM.
Check your SLT in LD 22.
You will likely either have to add some CLASS TN's to your license or convert some of your analog TN's to CLASS.

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