Thanks to Clay at - the presenter of Applications of Useful but Little-Known M1 Features at a number of Nortel conferences - he was the inspiration for this and authored many of the entries that follow.

Little Known Meridian 1 Features And Programming Tricks

HELP and Error Lookup

  • HELP - Type " ? " at many prompts
  • LOOKUP - At " > " sign, type
    ERR AUD028 to find out what AUD028 indicates.
  • At any other prompt, type " ! ", then you will receive " > " symbol for getting ERR lookup.

Find Sets with a Certain Feature

  • LD81

Lists all sets that have the "Call Forward External Allow" feature, then lists all UNR sets.

Inventory and Identification Commands

  • LD32
  • IDU l s c u (or) IDC l s c
  • LD22
  • CINV (and) ISSP
  • LD30
  • UNTT l s c u

Speed Call Stuff

  • Create many Speed Call lists at once. LD18 REQ: NEW 100 - Creates 100 lists.
  • When memory is plentiful, make Speed Call list number the same as the person’s DN. Need to increase MSCL in LD17
  • Find a "Controller" in LD81 by: REQ:LST, FEAT:SCC, then the Speed List Number

Allow Restricted Sets to Dial Certain Long Distance Numbers.

  • Add the numbers to a System Speed Call List. Assign an NCOS to the "List" that replaces the users NCOS during the call.
  • Alternate: Add the suffix of the telephone number to an ARRN list in the prefixes RLI. This will point only that number to a new RLI with a lower (or higher if you choose) FRL. Look up ARRN in LD86

Create a MARP TN that requires no phone and will never disable.

  • Pick a Data TN from a digital line card - a TN unit from 16 to 31. You might want to select the corresponding DATA TN from a TN associated with the DN you nee to MARP.
  • Enter appropriate HUNT and FDN values
  • The important CLS entries are FLXA and VCE, however, you will need to select HTA(htd), FNA(fnd) and possibly CPTD.
  • Enter the DN(s) you need to MARP, starting on KEY 0.

Digit Display on Trunk Routes and ACD Queues

  • Find Trunk Route Access Codes - name in LD95 like any other DN
  • ACD Numbers - name in LD95 like any other DN
  • IDC Numbers - name in LD95 at DCNO prompt.

Limited Access Passwords

  • Print PWD in LD22 before starting
  • LD17
  • LAPW 01
  • PW01 12345
  • OVLA 10 11 20

Identify Trunks, Routes and TTY Ports with "DES" Entry

  • LD17 ADAN
  • DES can be 1-16 characters
  • LD16 RDB
  • DES can be 1-16 characters
  • LD14 TRK
  • DES can be 1-16 characters
  • TKID - enter telephone number

Free Up or Block DN Range

  • Change your SPRE Code to 4 digits
  • LD15 - SPRE XXXX
  • Assign all current feature codes as Flexible Feature Codes
  • To hide DNs from appearing in LUDN printouts, enter DN prefix ranges as an FFC for RGAA "Ring Again Activate"

Save "Call Forward" Status upon Reload/Sysload

  • LD17

Call Waiting "Buzz" on Digital Sets is Not Long Enough

  • Turn on Flexible Incoming Tones Allowed
  • LD15
  • LD 11
    • CLS FITA

"DSP" Display Key Applications

  • You’re on the phone, another call comes in...Press DSP, then ringing line to see who’s calling.
  • Press DSP, then Speed Call, then entry number to view entries.
  • Rls23 Update - automatic Display

NHC - No Hold Conference

  • With NHC, other party is not placed on hold while adding conferees. You can also disconnect conferee called with NHC
  • LD11
    • KEY X NHC
  • Rls23 Update - Conf. Display/Disconnect
  • LD11
    • CLS CDCA

Call Forward Indication on 2500 Sets

  • Add Call Forward Reminder Tone. Special dial tone is heard only when call forwarded.
  • LD15

Override Call Forwarded Phone

  • Add Flexible Feature Code for "CFHO". Dial CFHO code, then dial extension.
  • LD57
  • On sets needing ability to perform override…

Call Forward ONLY Internal Calls - Let Externals Ring

  • Great when you need to prioritize external callers.
  • LD11
    • KEY X ICF 4 ZZZZ

"Delayed" Ring on Multiple Appearance DNs

  • Non-ringing (SCN) keys will ring after a certain duration. Great for areas where many of the same DNs appear.
  • LD11
  • DNDR X
    • (X = 0-120 seconds of delay before SCN keys will start to ring)

Audible Reminder of Held Calls

  • Receive "buzz tone" every X seconds to remind user that call is on hold. Also reminds user that Conference/Transfer was mishandled - call was never transferred
  • LD15
  • DBRC X (X = 2-120 seconds between reminders)
  • LD11, CLS ARHA

Which Call "On Hold" is Mine

  • Exclusive Hold sets held calls to "wink" at holding set, but stay "steady" at other sets.
  • LD10/11

Change Ring Cadence/Tone

  • There are 4 ring styles, adjusted in the CLS of the digital set.
  • LD11
  • CLS: DRG1 -or- DGR2 -or- DRG3 -or- DRG4
  • Set pesky customer phones to DRG4 !

BFS - Nightmare in Shining Armor ?

  • BFS Keys allow the user to monitor the Call Forward and busy status of a set, activate and deactivate Call Forward, and can be used as an Autodial key.
  • NOTE: Cannot perform MOV command with BFS. User can also forward sets by accident.
  • LD11
  • Key XX BFS l s c u (target set’s TN)

1 Single Line Telephone, 3 DNs, 3 Users, 3 Mailboxes? How?

  • Create one 2500 set with one of the three DNs.
  • Create 2 Phantom TNs, each one with a new DN and DCFW each of them to the 2500 sets DN (from above)
  • Add the three mailboxes…now any of the three numbers will ring the one set, but messages will be separated!

Stop misdials to 911/9911 using SPN, FLEN and SDRR.

  • In the following LD90 example, callers dialing 9911 will route to the 911 center.  However, if they dial 9911 + any additional digits, the call will be blocked. DANGER - Test this out on your switch.  There is a slight delay before ringing 911.  Note - if SPN is "11", FLEN must be 3
  • >ld 90

    FEAT net
    TRAN ac1
    TYPE spn

    SPN 911
    FLEN 4
    RLI (Yours)
    DENY 0
    DENY 1
    DENY 2
    DENY 3
    DENY 4
    DENY 5
    DENY 6
    DENY 7
    DENY 8
    DENY 9

Change An NCOS After Hours

Here's an excerpt from the LD86 ESN data block that has NCOS 3 & 4 change to NCOS 2 after 4:30PM and all day on weekends


AC1 9
TODS 0 06 00 16 29
     7 00 00 05 59
     7 16 30 23 59
NCOS 0 - 0
NCOS 1 - 1
NCOS 2 - 2
NCOS 3 - 2
NCOS 4 - 2
NCOS 5 - 5


Oops..the Console Went Into NITE...During the DAY!

  • Use NITE entries that are based on "Time of Day". See Night Service in Features Book
  • If the console goes into NITE during the day, send them to either a set of DNs next to the console, or a voice menu/thru-dialer explaining that there are "technical difficulties".
  • After hours, NITE calls goes to where they should.
  • Need to put the console in NITE from off-site?  Just disable the console TNs and re-enable them to save yourself a trip to the site.

Just Two Security Tricks

  • Create SPNs in BARS of: 000 thru 009 and create a Route List Block for them with LTER=YES  Now when Phreakers ask for extn 9000, they get nobody.
  • Use the FLEN entry on SPNs 0, 00, 011 so that nobody can transfer a caller to 9011, 90, etc.

Break Into Voice Mailbox without Password?

  • Simply make the mailbox "Auto-logon". Visit their phone or add their DN to your set and just call voice mail to be auto-logged in.
  • Convenient if you need to access an employees mailbox without changing their password.
  • Useful for modifying greetings of an absent employees or allowing a temporary employee access to a mailbox without divulging the regular employees password.

Tracing Phone Calls

  • TRAC 0 XXXX (X=extension)
  • TRAC l s c u
  • TRAC l s c u DEV (Adds BARS info)
  • TRAT 0 X (X=Console number)
  • TRAD (see book, traces T1 channels)
  • ENTC (see book, traces TN continuously - up to 3 TNs at a time ! )


PVR - Private Line Service - is a way to have a specific analog trunk extended directly to a key on a phone.  The common uses include Automatic Ringdown lines and Telco provided lines between distant security or control centers.  However, there are times when specific trunks must be assigned as keys on phones, where a variety of limitations exist.  One of the limitations is that Private Line appearances are not controlled by the sets FNA value.  The following method makes FNA possible.


  • Every trunk must be in its own route - in other words one route for every trunk that would have been a PVR.
  • In order to define a KEY on a phone so that it appears as if it is the trunk, the HOT feature is used to dial the trunks route access code.
Create the Route LD16

    LD 16
    REQ  new
    TYPE rdb
    CUST 0
    ROUT 101 (variable as desired)
    DES 5551212 (variable as desired)
    TKTP cot
    AUTO yes
    ICOG iao
    ACOD 5551212 (consider the last 4 or all 7 digits of trunk tel. number)
    TARG 0

Assigning a KEY for the trunk on the telephone LD11

    KEY 0 hot d 7 5551212 1212 h  (h = incoming calls ring)
    KEY 0 hot d 7 5551212 1212 n  (n = incoming calls do not ring)

        "7" is the number of digits of the trunk route access code (ACCD)
        "5551212" is the trunk route access code (ACCD)
        "1212" is the DN of the KEY (same as trunk ATDN below)

Build the trunk LD14

    REQ new
    TYPE cot
    TN   28 0 1 7
    DES  5551212 (variable as desired)
    CUST 0
    RTMB 101 1
    ATDN 1212
    SIGL lop
    CLS  dtn

Another Idea

  • Use a PC to log into your PBX, then activate the "capture file".  Now run a TNB and keep it as a file rather than on paper.
  • If your TNB file is large, try a high power text editor, which can open even 20meg files in seconds. Search the Internet "Freeware Text Editor"
  • Keep copies so you can go back and see how a set was programmed when you out it by mistake.