Flexible Trunk to Trunk Options are Enabled.
Let's find and change the Mail System TNs

What TNs connect to Mail.  To find them, start in LD20.  Here is an example:

>LD 20

DN.. 6245  < Enter the extension you call to check Voice Mail in your system
.... CPND
...... NAME Voice Mail

MCID 4245..TN 002 0 00 00
MCID 4246..TN 002 0 00 01
MCID 4247..TN 002 0 00 02
MCID 4248..TN 003 0 00 00
MCID 4249..TN 003 0 00 01
MCID 4250..TN 003 0 00 02

If you do not see a list similar to the one above - with multiple TNs - but the number still rings Voice Mail, find out where it NCFWs (if it is an ACD number) or DCFWs (if it is a Phantom).  then print the DNB on the number discovered.  The example above, with multiple TNs and no KEYs listed is what you must find.  NOW MAKE THE CHANGE

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